18 Year boy who along with 21 Year Bhagat Singh Challenged British Empire - Celebrate Birth Centenary of B K Dutta
18 Nov this year mark Birth centenary of Revolutionary Batukeshvar Dutta – the 18and a half year old boy who along with 21and a half year old Bhagat Singh , appeared in Central Assembly New Delhi on 8th April 1929 with big bang to shake the British Empire to its foundation. The event marked the beginning of awakening the Indian masses for achieving freedom from not only British Rule but built a society of equal opportunity for every one irrespective of caste, creed ,region and religion. In their words " A Swaraj for 90 percent and by 90 percent".
He represents the dormant youth power of India. He was so determined that all repression of "Satanic Power of British Empire " could not make him yield , so determined they were that nothing could stop the revolutionary challenge they threw on British Imperialism , So argumentative they were that it exposed the falseness of British Empire's arguments. Three institutions crumbled before these tiny feet. The legislative, the jail system and justice system.
These young boys loved the Indian masses so much that they put themselves on the alter of sacrifice not out of romance but out of revolutionary understanding and jeal.
The arguments were started with a leaflet thrown on the floor of Central Assembly followed by well argued statement in the sessions court, which was further strengthened in High Court.
They jointly launched the longest hunger strike for elimination of discrimination in jail between political prisoners and European prisoners, and to break the suffocating environment to a creative one . The hunger strike which went for 123 days . In the mean time Martyrdom of Jatinder Nath Dass awakened the whole India so that they marched with him .This lightened the whole environment in such a way that reluctant leaders could not stop the determined resolution of " SAMPURAN SWARAJ " i.e complete Independence and establishing 26 January 1930 on ward as Sampuran Swaraj Diwas. .
The third institution of Justice too crumbled. The best argumentative documents of Indian Freedom struggle came out under joint signatures of Bhagat Singh and Dutt, At that time the Punjabi house hold name was Bhagat singh-Dutta. The folk lore is witness to it.
I call upon Chief Minister of Punjab to announce this year of 2010 -2011 as year of Youth power dedicated to BK Dutta who was the Royal Prisoner of Punjab
I also call upon the Prime Minister Dr Manmohan singh to take initiative on behalf of the Indian nation to announce the birth centenary year of B K Dutta as the year of harnessing the Youth Power for advancing Indian vision of Freedom struggle. This must come from them as a part of duty towards history of freedom struggle
But above all I call upon the youth of India not to wait for any initiative from governments leaders but to celebrate the BK Dutta Birth Centenary to harness their dormant power ,which is represented by 18 year boy Kartar Singh Sarabha to 18 year old B K Dutta further strengthened by Bhagat Singh and other youth freedom fighters. The year dedicated to self discipline , maturity to understand the underlying argument of the prevalent system and dedicate and participate in helping people in distress .
kash yar kade menu v edan marn da mauka mile
ReplyDeletenot only bhagat singh ,all martyr is my god.....jai hind